In today's television news The Walking Dead's Season 6 premiere date has been announced! (It's October 11th, 9 p.m. You're WELCOME.) Apparently there will be an ongoing conflict between Rick and Morgan, and also some zombies. Presumably many of them.
But I DON'T CARE. Because I stopped watching this completely ridiculous show when they killed off Dale in Season 2. Screw these writers, man. And the original creator of the comic, too. Screw you BOTH. Why do all the awesome people have to DIE? Did you have to kill Lori? Did you absolutely have to leave Carl and Judith motherless? Really?
Want to cry like a tiny little newborn baby?
I mean, kill Shane, go ahead. Everyone knows he's a self-righteous asshole. No one is going to miss that prick.
Want to cheer at the demise of a self-righteous asshole?
But why DALE? What did he ever do to anyone? NOTHING. He's like the Santa of the zombie apocalypse. He has a gray beard, for god's sake. They could have just let him stick around to be the resident grandpa.
Oh, and if you haven't seen enough death and dismemberment . . .
ALL THE DEATHS. Just people dying everywhere. It's like zombie Game of Thrones. Just So. Much. Blood.